How to Choose the Best Dental Floss for You.

Flossing is an integral part of any dental cleaning process. It removes unwanted debris or plaque from the tooth surface and prevents dental decay and gum disease.

The types of dental floss available in today's market are: super strong, flavoured, thick, thin and many wide varieties. Choose one that will be right for you.

Unwaxed dental floss is made of nylon and is free of chemicals. It is ideal for people with small gaps but shreds easily.

Waxed floss is made of wax, which makes it difficult to move between teeth and reduces the grip levels. Dental tapes are suitable for people with bigger gaps.

Polytetrafluorethylene floss is robust and does not break during use. However, it is a carcinogen, and is not recommended by any dental clinic.

To use dental floss, simply slide the floss between the gum and tooth from the upper direction. Hold the ends of the floss firmly and rub along the surface of the tooth.

In India, the price of dental floss is 75 INR and it depends on the brand and material.

To make a good choice for yourself, make sure to know the pros and cons of the various types of dental floss.

Read More : Maintaining Dental Health During Pregnancy: What You Need to Know.
