Simple Ways To Prevent Dental Cavities In Kids!

As a parent, you can empower your child to have great oral health by ensuring they practice good oral hygiene habits.

Children often baulk at brushing. To make the ritual fun, you can play a favourite song and find a toy they enjoy holding, or set a special timer.

Showing your little ones that brushing is fun, and then teaching them how to brush and floss correctly, will get them excited about it.

The right toothpaste for kids has to be utilised. It should be the size of a rice grain for toddlers and a pea for kids in the age group of 4 to 6.

Sugar is the perfect environment for bacteria to grow, which leads to erosion of enamel and cavities. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are better for your child's teeth.

To prevent cavities in kids, encourage them to drink water throughout the day and every day. It flushes away bacteria that would otherwise harm their teeth.

Visit a Kids Dentistry once every six months to prevent cavities in your child.

Make sure the dentist has experience working with children, and that the clinic has an age appropriate atmosphere.

Ask the dentist about dental sealants. Sealants prevent dental caries because they seal the surface of the molars, making them easier to clean.

You can mould children into any shape you want with a bit of effort. If you brush and floss daily, they will automatically pick up the habit.

Read More : The Connection Between Oral and General Health: What You Should Know.
