Healthy gums are pink and firm, while black gums are due to hormonal changes or some oral procedures.
If you have a black or dark brown gum shade naturally from birth, it indicates an underlying health condition. If the gum has changed colour in a short time and feels soft, tender, or puffy, it indicates the gum receding.
The home remedies and professional black gum treatment options include herbs like mint, sage, oregano and balm as well as gum bleaching techniques that are permanent.
Micro-dermabrasion takes less than an hour to whiten gums and dental laser ablates the pigmented area gum tissues to reveal the pale pink layer from beneath.
Melanin is a naturally occurring substance in the body and may cause dark gums. Consult a doctor if you develop any abnormal changes in a short time.
Smoking is a major cause of discoloured gums. As a person quits smoking, the gum colour changes reversible.
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