How To Choose the Best Tooth Replacement Options For You
Missing teeth affect the daily diet, digestion, and alignment of the jaw, causing wear and tear of the remaining teeth, stress to the jawbone, and gum recession.
Dental implants are the best option to fix a missing tooth. They are long lasting and stable and don’t affect the neighbouring teeth.
Dental bridges are held by the adjacent teeth and look like normal teeth. They also last longer and are an affordable alternative to dental implants.
Partial dentures are less expensive than dental implants and bridges, but they can become uncomfortable if used for a prolonged time.
Replace missing teeth with removable complete dentures. Removable complete dentures are a more durable option than partial dentures.
If the front teeth are missing, a resin-retained bridge is the best option. However, it might need tooth replacement after a few years.
Multiple implants combining dentures and bridges will serve as a long-lasting solution for people who have lost a good number of teeth.
4 Squares Dentistry is the best dental clinic in Chennai, providing first class dental care to adults and children.
Read More : Choosing a Dentist: A Comprehensive Guide
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