What To Know About Root Canals

If a tooth is inflamed or has bacteria in it because of a crack, it needs to be root canalled to get rid of it.

People in the United States often have root canals. Most of the teeth that have root canal surgery last a long time.

Bacteria can get into your pulp chamber if you break your tooth or have a large cavity. This can lead to an infection. The tooth must have a root canal to stay alive.

Doctor: The dentist would remove all of the infected pulp and nerve. They would also clean inside the tooth, and then put a crown on the tooth with the infected pulp.

In order to protect the remaining tooth structure and replace the molar teeth's functions like grinding and chewing food after root canal treatment, a dental crown must be put on it.

If you keep your teeth healthy, you can avoid root canal procedures. Go to the dentist if you have pain in your teeth.

When teeth are hurt, they may need a root canal. However, this procedure is safe and will keep your teeth in good shape for a long time.

Read More : How to Care for Your Root Canal After Treatment.
