How to Cure Gum Infections and Gingivitis During Pregnancy.

Pregnancy poses several challenges for the expectant mothers, including dental health complications that can jeopardize a healthy delivery. If gum infections are not treated, the baby will be delivered prematurely, at a high risk of suffering a health problem.

Pregnancy Gingivitis is caused by increased progesterone levels and bacteria found on a plaque that cause inflammation of the gums and bleeding.

Periodontal diseases weaken the structures surrounding teeth, and can cause bleeding and loss of teeth. The bacteria caused by gum disease can reach a fetus via the bloodstream.

There is a growing awareness about oral health in pregnancy and expectant mothers are making visits to dental hospitals to ensure good oral health.

Pre-term babies are more likely to have severe health issues, so expectant mothers should visit the dentist regularly for proper assessments and risk evaluations.

Preventive care is the easiest way to treat gum diseases. Ensure brushing and cleaning your mouth at least twice a day, and flossing and rinsing the mouth with antimicrobial mouthwash.

Dental cleaning can help dentists assess the condition of your teeth and gum. Pregnant women must ensure that the dentist is informed before making a cleaning appointment.

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